With streamlined seasons in Rocket League from dakunlee's blog

With streamlined seasons in Rocket League, the  Rocket League Trading Prices Rocket Pass will comply with the competitive season. Starting next Wednesday, we’ll have a group of recent stuff to free up, starting, of path, with the brand new warfare-automobile: the Harbinger.

Styled after a vehicle from Rocket League’s predecessor sport, we’re not pretty certain what hitbox it's far the usage of yet, but with the Merc having received a brand new hitbox with this update, it’s not that unthinkable that the Harbinger additionally uses it.

A competitive Rocket League season isn't whole without a praise on the end. Usually, we don’t get to look those rewards until close to Rocket League Item Prices the give up, but this time Psyonix had them prepared for us. For Season 1, we’ll be getting decals, which turned into a famous reward while it become added again in Season 12.

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