The excellent way to download and install WoW Classic addons is to use the Twitch App from lolgaroket's blog

The excellent way to download and install WoW Classic addons is to use the Twitch App's integrated aid for the sport, which WOW Classic Gold allows players to manipulate their downloaded addons and collect more. It even has a integrated seek function in order to help players find if there's something that fits precisely what they want.

For folks who do not need to apply the Twitch App, gamers should first down load an addon from certainly one of the standard libraries - CurseForge is the only we'd suggest - and then extract that addon into their WoW Classic folder. It's typically under the Interface sub-folder categorised as "AddOns", but that folder might not appear if a player hasn't accessed the WoW Classic patron on their laptop but. 

If this extract is successful, the player gets a new button on their individual screen simply above the "Menu" button that is categorized "AddOns" and could display all the ones that have been successfully hooked up while clicked.

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