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What Is Ambien

Zolpidem is an opiate, also called a narcotic. It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unstable in people with sleep problems ( wakefulness). 


Zolpidem is used to treat wakefulness. The immediate-release forms are Ambien, Intermezzo, Edluar, and Zolpimist, which are used to help you fall asleep. The extended-release form of zolpidem is Ambien CRwhich has a first subcaste that dissolves snappily to help you fall asleep, and an alternate subcaste that dissolves sluggishly to help you stay asleep. 

Ambien, Edluar, and Zolpimist are used to help you fall asleep when you first go to bed. Intermezzo is used to help you fall back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night and also have trouble sleeping. 


 Your croaker will determine which form of zolpidem is stylish for you. 


Zolpidem may beget a severe antipathetic response. Stop taking zolpidem and get exigency medical help if you have any of these signs of an antipathetic response hive; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, lingo, or throat. 


 Don't partake in this drug with another person, indeed if they have the same symptoms you have. The recommended boluses of zolpidem aren't the same in men and women, and this medicine isn't approved for use in children. Abuse of this drug can affect dangerous side goods. 

Before taking This Medicine

Some people using zolpidem have engaged in conditioning similar as driving, eating, walking, making phone calls, or having coitus, and latterly having no memory of the activity. However, stop taking zolpidem and talk with your croaker about another treatment for your sleep complaint, If this happens to you. 


You shouldn't use this drug if you're antipathetic to zolpidem. The tablets may contain lactose. Use caution if you're sensitive to lactose. 

Zolpidem isn't approved for use by anyone youngish than 18 times old. 

How should I take zolpidem?

The recommended boluses of zolpidem aren't the same in men and women, and take this medicineisn't approved for use in children. 


Take zolpidem exactly as specified by your croaker, Follow the directions on your traditional marker, and read all drug attendants. Noway use this drug in larger quantities, or for longer than specified. Tell your croaker if you feel an increased appetite to take more or increase your cure. 

Zolpidem may be habit-forming. Abuse can beget dependence, overdose, or death. Dealing or giving away this drug is against the law. 

A side effect of Ambien

Zolpidem may beget a severe antipathetic response. Stop taking this drug and get exigency medical help if you have signs of an antipathetic response to zolpidem hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, lingo, or throat. 


 Report any new or worsening symptoms to your croaker, similar as depression,ambien for anxiety, aggression, agitation, confusion, unusual studies, visions, memory problems, changes in personality, threat-taking geste, dropped inhibitions, no fear of peril, or studies of self-murder or hurting yourself. 

 Stop using this drug and call your croaker at formerly if you have 


  •  casket pain, fast or irregular twinkle, feeling short of breath; 

  • .trouble breathing or swallowing, or 

  •  feeling like you might pass out. 


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