Trending offer Evening Primerose Oil from theyoung's blog

Evening primerose oil
is extracted from the evening primrose seeds. The oil is thin, clear yellow-colored, and has a slightly nutty smell. The oil has GLA, an omega-6 fatty acid that has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Young Chemist's cold-pressed evening primrose oil can be used for cosmetics as well as culinary purposes.


  • Evening primrose oil contains GLA that may help in improving the skin’s epidermis, smoothens the skin, and improves its moisture, firmness, fatigue resistance.
  • The oil is effective in treating depression, irritability, and bloating.
  • Evening primrose oil may reduce the severity of hot flashes, which is the most uncomfortable side effect of menopause.
  • It reduces the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy or preeclampsia that causes harmful high blood pressure during and after pregnancy.
  • Evening primrose oil has an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce blood cholesterol.


  • Taking the oil for 6-12 months can improve the symptoms of nerve damage due to diabetes.
  • Evening primrose oil can be taken with fish oil and calcium by older adults with osteoporosis, but after consulting with the doctor.
  • Taking a small amount of Evening Primrose Oil can improve your skin if taken regularly.
  • For eczema, apply 10-12 drops on your skin twice a week for soothing skin.
  • Young Chemist's Evening Primrose oil can be used to glow your skin.  You can apply it daily or weekly after consulting with your doctor.
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