Why is it important for a woman to learn to express her feelings without emotion? from William Blomfield's blog

It's hard for a man to listen to a woman who talks very emotionally about a problem. It's male nature that he perceives either an emotion or a problem. He cannot perceive them at the same time because of his psyche. For him, it is a killer Fire cocktail. Because he can't worry and decide at the same time.

Even in terms of physiology, as it says here - https://cheatingbuster.com/, the structure of the male brain is such that the density of connections between the two hemispheres in men is 30% less than in women.

And since one hemisphere is responsible for experiencing emotions and the other for logical thinking, it's hard for a man to quickly switch from one to the other.

When a man is experiencing emotion, he can not think logically. And vice versa. In a woman, this process is stabilized - her emotions and logic are constantly on, and often in conflict with each other. That's why it's hard for women to make decisions.

Given this feature of the male psyche, a woman must learn to express her feelings without emotion.

Because, on the one hand, the expression of a problem gives rise in a man a desire to protect a woman, and on the other hand, the accompanying negative emotions give rise in him a desire to protect himself ½. He feels he's being attacked. In the end, these dual feelings put him in a stupor, which results in anger.

Therefore, a woman should express their grievances only in a calm state, after first experiencing their emotions about it.

Author Sergius Gardner

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By William Blomfield
Added Jan 3 '23



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