What is the difference between ADD and ADHD? from thomas lynn's blog

Attention deficit disorder is commonly known as ADD and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is known as ADHD. Most people are confused in, what is the difference between ADD and ADHD. To get relief from these orders buy Suboxone strips online. 


ADD is a genetic disorder. Analysis suggested that the primary symptoms of ADD reflect inattention, daydreaming, and failure to finish the task. In children, it is found to be more problems with avoidance, procrastination, and homework either not completed or not turned in. In adults, the symptoms are fatigue and stress. Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and overactivity were not characterized to be ADD. 

ADD is being over-diagnosed and confused with the symptoms of others, this confusion has diverted the population towards actual treatment. ADD disorder in the brain can cause neurotransmitter imbalance and this is known as acquired attention. From a study of 20 years, we found that it is the language of emotions, difficulty with reading, or dislike of reading. This may lead to errors in reading direction and multiple choice questions which may lead to more frustration and dislike of school. Avoidance of homework only leads to completing the unwanted task. The effect of this can be anxiety, procrastination, and emotions of avoidance. Then one starts to be depressed and due to this he/she will be angry, irritated, lack concentration, and more even mind will be set as fear of failure leads to fear of success and this becomes a cylindrical pattern. Becomes more ensconced.

These problems cannot be resolved by medication treatment. Medication is not being prepared to treat emotion which is a primary symptom of ADD. Medication can only work temporarily for a “honeymoon period” as a novel phenomenon. Medicine cannot touch the problems of avoidance, procrastination, or reading difficulties. Several medicines found to lack success both in adults and children. It is far better to be diagnosed early. you found some symptoms, dislike of school and reading difficulties don’t wait until your child becomes anxious, despondent, or avoids homework. You should consult a doctor about this concern. 


ADHD is not a genetic-based disorder. Nowadays ADD is known as ADHD. Disorders that typically create hyperactivity are  Anxiety, hyperthyroidism, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, insomnia, brain injury, sleep deprivation, post-traumatic stress disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. Due to these disorders, you can see symptoms like:-

  • Easily frustrated

  • Nervous and high-strung

  • Fidgety behaviour

  • Runs in the house do not sit appropriately on furniture 

  • Easily angered, annoyed, or upset

  • Makes excessive noise.

  • Fails to follow a routine

  • Rushed speech, talk fast, etc

ADHD is very common in children. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behavior, or may be overly active. In most cases, ADHD is treated with a combination of medication and therapy. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD and many other problems like ADD such as anxiety, sleep problems, depression, and certain types of learning disabilities are similar. 

Managing symptoms of ADD and ADHD:-

Being healthy is important for children and more important for those children with ADHD. Other than medication or therapy a proper diet is very important for quick recovery. Some healthy behaviors are:-

  • Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and choosing lean protein sources. 

  • Performing daily physical activities based on age.

  • Limiting the use of TV, phones, games, computers, electronics, etc 

  • Getting a good amount of sleep at night based on age. 

  • Follow a routine-based lifestyle and try to meditate. 

Resource URL:- https://justpaste.it/2zsrw

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By thomas lynn
Added Oct 26 '23



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