According to the chatter that followed from players on Twitter from james's blog

According to the chatter that followed from players on WOW Classic Gold Twitter, the effects were sizable, and the group centered extra than just Classic servers finally, hitting regular WoW servers too.

World of Warcraft Classic has been hit with the aid of DDoS attacks this weekend, which started on Saturday, and despite the fact that Blizzard says the problems at the moment are resolved, a few players are still reporting that they are unable to log in on sure servers.

As Kotaku reports, these DDoS assaults commenced at round eleven AM ET (3pm UK time) the previous day, with a set going through the name of UKDrillas claiming responsibility, stating on Twitter that they would cycle through WoW Classic servers with their DDoS hearth (the group’s Twitter account has due to the fact been suspended).

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