The new facts originates from a message that the Youtuber from james's blog

The new facts originates from a message that the Youtuber received on a WoW Classic fan forum, and shows that Blizzard is intending to announce the Classic TBC realm at some point of BlizzConline on WOW Classic Gold  February 19-20. 

The leak additionally mentions that a 2.Zero pre-patch is slated for release in April, even though it appears unlikely at this factor that Blizzard will release innovative patches for TBC. Instead, it’s much more likely that the rumored pre-patch will consist of the competencies and spells brought with patch 2.4.3 along the brand new Burning campaign races and degree 60 arena content.

Of path, that is  merely a rumor at this factor and a classic The Burning Crusade server hasn’t even been introduced just yet. These rumors, but, are in step with what former Nostalrius middle member, Nano, has been announcing lately.

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