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Tag search results for: "art"
John Snow
Fused glass tiles on aluminum for art installations offer a unique intersection of artistry and engineering, bridging the worlds of technology and the subconscious. David Gev, an artist with a rich background in electronics manufacturing, explores this captivating blend in his work. By incorporating materials like fused glass and printed aluminum, his creations unveil an intimate exploration of self, invoking deeper emotions and awakening the unconscious mind. This art form transforms industrial aesthetics into profound visual narrat... more
John Snow Dec 5 '24 · Tags: art
Karan Patel
Dé bestemming voor elke kunstenaar en creatieveling die op zoek is naar kwaliteitsverf. Wij bieden een uitgebreid assortiment aan verfproducten, geschikt voor zowel beginners als professionele kunstenaars. Onze collectie omvat waterverf, acrylverf, en aquarelverf, zorgvuldig geselecteerd om aan uw artistieke behoeften te voldoen. AcrylverfErvaar de veelzijdige levendigheid van onze premium acrylverf, ontworpen voor kunstenaars van alle niveaus. Elke tube bevat rijk gepigmenteerde, snel drogende verf met een gladde consistentie voor ... more
Depuis son lancement en 1996, Pokémon a traversé plusieurs générations, chacune apportant ses propres caractéristiques uniques et évolutions. Cette progression reflète non seulement les changements dans les tendances de conception mais aussi les avancées technologiques dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo.La première génération (Gen I) comprend les jeux Pokémon Rouge et Bleu, sortis sur Game Boy. Le design des Pokémon à cette époque était assez simple, se concentrant principalement sur des formes de base et des couleurs primaires. Ces dessi... more
mondedessin Jun 7 '24 · Tags: art, design
Les dinosaures, ces créatures géantes qui ont dominé la Terre il y a des millions d'années, sont une source inépuisable d'inspiration pour l'art et la science. Pour créer des dessin dinosaure facile réalistes et vivants, il est essentiel de comprendre l'histoire et les caractéristiques des dinosaures célèbres.Lire la suite1. Histoire des DinosauresLes dinosaures sont apparus pour la première fois au Trias, il y a environ 230 millions d'années. Ils ont dominé la planète tout au long du Jurassique et du Crétacé, avant de disp... more
mondedessin Jun 6 '24 · Tags: art, design
Pichwai painting is a wonderful and dynamic customary work of art that has spellbound craftsmanship devotees and gatherers around the world. Its set of experiences is saturated with rich social importance, and it keeps on being an image of creative greatness. In this article, we will dig into the universe of Pichwai painting, investigating its beginnings, strategies, topics, and the getting through heritage it leaves in the realm of craftsmanship. The Beginnings of Pichwai PaintingPichwai, a word got from the Sanskrit 'Pichh,' impor... more
planethandcraft Oct 27 '23 · Tags: art
Mundo Arte
A arte é uma manifestação essencial da criatividade humana, evoluindo ao longo de milênios e refletindo a cultura, os valores e as aspirações de diferentes épocas.  Desde as primeiras formas de expressão nas cavernas até o esplendor do Renascimento, e até os dias de hoje, a arte tem desempenhado um papel crucial na história da humanidade. Neste blog post, exploraremos a jornada fascinante da arte, desde suas raízes pré-históricas até o seu florescimento no Renascimento e seu impacto na arte moderna. Origens Pré-Históricas da A... more
Looking for engagement ringsthen you are in the right place. ShivShambubrings to you an exclusive collection of pear cut engagement ringsthat are very beautiful and attractive to look at. ShivShambu brings to you GIA Certified Pear Diamondat the best price in the market. Pear cut engagement rings are the most popular choice for engagement rings. Visit our online storeto shop pear-cut engagement rings.
DiamondShopinNy Feb 22 '23 · Tags: art, diamonds, fashion
Separation of families - Members who are in the same room cannot talk to one another, but they can talk to their devices Loneliness and social isolation Laziness is an indication of lazy living. Technology is ruining contentment. Everybody is trying to acquire more and less gratitude for what they have. Virtual experiences are gaining the upper hand of real physical experiences - thanks to technological advancements, we're moving in an era where we will forget to decipher the difference between what's real and rea... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 9 '22 · Tags: art
Attention spans are shrinking. In fact the attention span for humans has dropped to 8 seconds, from 12 seconds over the last few years. Companies such as Facebook and Snapchat argue that a 2 second/3 second video watch time should be considered as a "valid" view due to the fact that the attention spans of their platforms are very less. Isn't it scary? Family distancing is where individuals who share the same space don't speak to each other but only to their own devices. Loneliness and social isolation Laziness is an in... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 9 '22 · Tags: art
Technology has also had an impact upon society through the medium of communication. This is how we connect with each other around the globe. Technology has brought new ways for electronic communications. It is possible to communicate electronically through social media, email or Facetime with someone from another country.  The health industry has also seen technological advancements that have helped keep people safe and well. There are many innovate applications for phones that allow people to watch their weight, how many calor... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Customer Service Jobs at homeWhat does remote customer service refer to?A remote customer service representative proactively communicates with customers, both current and prospective with updates on offers and other preemptive solutions. However, they do not reside in the office. They are able to be remote from their homes or other remote locations. They perform the same tasks as customer service representatives, however they work from their homes or from a remote location. It is essential to develop good remote work habits in ord... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Technology: Is it a good thing or a negative thing? Nowadays it is fashionable to talk about technology as a bad thing. There are corporations who violate our privacy and harvest our personal data without our consent the truth; personal assistants who record us without our consent; and other breaches that reveal our personal data. Are these all negative? The tools we're worried about could also make our lives better--from connecting doctors more quickly than ever before to data on patients to digital bus routes that make transport... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Ten Tips for Parents who work from home with kids Many dream of working from home. You have more freedom, more time at home, and can see more of family members. The flip coin also is not without its problems, particularly for parents trying to manage work and child care: difficulty in focusing; having to manage work while caring for their children (or homeschooling them); the blurring of lines between work and private life; and kids begging for your attention while you're not around. Sometimes, it can be difficult to believe that ... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Google and Facebook both were affected by a defective chip that can silently corrupt data     Internet giants Google and Facebook have discovered they are suffering from computer chip malfunctions that can corrupt data or make it impossible to access encrypted files. Facebook says hardware manufacturers should be aware of this issue that has arisen due to the vast scale of computing resources that the companies utilize.     Google became aware of the issue when several engineering teams reported problems in ... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Although this may be obvious to you, working from home could mean that your business does not have an internet connection of the highest quality. You'll need to invest in an efficient network to ensure you aren't cut off of interactions with customers. Efficiency and speed are crucial for customer service.b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
How to work from home 5 Tips from People Your home office is great, until your cat begins to chew on your computer. Your neighbor, which is likely to be building a time machine for his family, begins to fire up all the power tools and noisemaking machinery that he has across the street. Remote work has become an essential for many professionals thanks to COVID-19. Which environment allows us to work more efficiently? the office or the house office? Your colleagues are often the biggest obstacle to your ability to get work do... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Types and kinds of Remote Customer Service Jobs1. Remote Agent for Call CenterIt's long since the days when call center agents needed to work in call centers. Call centers remain well-known, but you can perform most of the same things right from your home. If you own a headset for a phone call center, you can take care of all your household chores or travel the world and assist customers via phone. 2. Remote Customer Service RepThe same responsibilities apply to remote customer service representatives, just as for in-house custome... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
It's the way you use it that matters Technology doesn't need to be either good or bad. It's the way we use it and the culture around it. VPNs are an excellent example. They may either safeguard your privacy, or harvest your personal information based on the VPN you choose to use. Technology that is designed around the gathering of data could be used to greatly improve our lives with the right rules. However, it is a question of whether there's a push for these regulations that holds groups who violate these regulations--and people... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
The positive effects of technology for the work, personal and social life Ease of Access to Information The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www, has transformed the world a social village. Because all information is available on the internet from all corners of the world It is simple to access. While the majority of news reported posted on social media sites is factual there are images results for specific news. There's more news to be found than ever, and all of it is accessible. Saves Time Do you remember ever hav... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
Negative Impact of Technology on Work Life A large portion of the population are replaced by new technology, which results in joblessness in certain cases. Computers were used to identify the job titles that people were given. People carry their work laptops around with them and check their work emails on the computer at home and then going to bed in the bathroom. There is a big difference between family and the work environment. A lot of information, but too little information, not enough. Many people read thousands a... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
impacting our daily commute to work with traffic suggestions and securing our bank transactions for fraudulent transactions. Many are worried about how AI could use their data (for instance, facial recognition which could lead to us being under surveillance almost all the time). AI could help improve the quality of life for us in many ways, such as helping people with disabilities communicate and monitoring the wildlife. Are the potential advantages from these technology outweigh their negative consequences? It's not the way it... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
 Collectors: What to do If your artwork is damaged  After waiting patiently for the perfect offer, you negotiated the price and finally closed the deal on an art work from an artist you've admired for a long time. So now what?  What happens if that artwork arrives on your doorstep with a gaping crack in the crate  A gallery purchase is only half of the journey to purchasing an artwork. Once the artwork is removed from the studio of the artist to the gallery, it will be returned to the original place. ... more
KevinDavidkin Feb 8 '22 · Tags: art
 Some estates of artists have stopped providing COAs. However any gallery with a good reputation should be able provide a COA for in the event that the artist is alive. weddingup wedding up Website   sale.  Artwork Archive's Premier Collector plan lets subscribers upload and store digital copies of every COA of the artwork using its "additionalfiles" function.  Do: Verify the materials employed  It is not req... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 31 '22 · Tags: art
 Set SMART goals in your art business loanproof loan proof Website   Artists have a lot of different ideas and projects. It's not difficult for anyone to become lost, or climb a thousand steps.  You can take many routes at the same time, and not notice that you have changed direction from the original path. businessbasic business basic Website   You... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 31 '22 · Tags: art
 You can reach the gallery to provide all the documentation related to the damage as quickly as you can. The documentation should also include photos of the area that was damaged. giveloan give loan Website   Damage, and notes on the extent of the damage. While the gallery could have provided one, you are able to add your own condition report.  shipment. Here are some templates for condition reports as well as an outline ... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 31 '22 · Tags: art
 Living was sold for over $10 million during the first quarter of 2000, despite its obvious loanfund loan fund Website businessenjoy   In an article written by Tate, "In 2003, the formaldehyde solution to The Physical Impossibility of Death in the mind of a living person was  The cloudy conditions made it impossible to see the animal contained in the case. It was therefore not surprising when Larry ... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 30 '22 · Tags: art
 every art shipment is a gamble with fate and loansure loan sure Website   Make sure you protect your work when it is being transported. And, make sure you select a reputable transporter  It is suggested to talk about all shipping requirements prior to purchasing or at the least during the sale. The buyer, you are accountable for the shipping charges provideinsurance provide insurance W... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 26 '22 · Tags: art
 Do: Make sure to verify the materials you used whatloan what loan Website   If a painting is only oil on canvas or acrylic on paper, it might not be necessary to confirm the material employed. Mixed art requires additional confirmation.  For media" pieces, it is highly recommended to get a full list of items from the seller. giveinsurance give insurance Website   It is i... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 25 '22 · Tags: art
This is the time of metadata trackersphere tracker sphere Website   As the field of digital humanities develops and grows as it does, more and more institutions archives are being digitalized.  Important development in scholarly research. It also facilitates the democratization of collections by making them available to the general public. vivofurniture vivo furniture Website  &nbs... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 25 '22 · Tags: art
 Request the dealer to add in the invoice a note that says "Work will be shipped in a box with an opaque cover and will be crated." skincarezine skin care zine Website social-contest   If work arrives in a cardboard container, it will be clear that the terms of sale weren't properly implemented.  Another best practice is to always pay for "insurance-while-in-transit" through the shipping company itself, which they... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 25 '22 · Tags: art
Are you more of a visual or auditory learner? Artwork Archive has a playlist of tutorials to help you start and then help you to make the most out of your Artwork Archive account. rapidfatburns rapid fat burns Website  Have a question on the tip of your tongue? Use our live chat messaging system to connect with an Artwork Archive team member who will be able to work with you in real-time.  How to Protect Yourself From Online Art Scams... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 24 '22 · Tags: art
Upload files to My Docs mixturesport mixture sport Website  Artwork Archive has built a new library for collectors and organizations to upload, store and share all of the documents related to their entire art collection.   These files may include insurance documentation, estate documents, appraisals for your complete inventory, press and correspondences.  mobilephones-news mobilephones news&nbs... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 24 '22 · Tags: art
The Best Opportunities for Artists in July 2021 deluxe-interior Website deluxe interior  These opportunities can help keep your art business running—whether it’s an emergency grant, an open call, or even a residency down the road. To save you time searching, take a look at some of the opportunities for artists we’ve found with deadlines coming up in the month of July.   And, don't forget to download the Complete Guide to 2021 Artist Opportunities and save a... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 24 '22 · Tags: art
Art Business Accelerator Grant Recipients Announced! automatedmoneynow Website automated money  The Artwork Archive Art Business Accelerator grant enables artists to create new work, purchase materials, and pay for studio rent or personal expenses so  now bestsoccertop Website best soccer  that they can continue to make a positive impact in their communities. The grant distributes unr... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 24 '22 · Tags: art
On memories and his long-time muse, Blackie the Cat dailyinsurancestudy Website daily insurance study  “Normally I'm traveling around the world and I'm filling up the sketchbook through my travels and through the places I've been,” Gary explains. “But, now  I’ve been at home during the pandemic, so I’ve been doing some drawings based on what's going on in the world.” autospeedy Website au... more
KevinDavidkin Jan 24 '22 · Tags: art
 The Port Angeles Arts Council invites artists who reside in the Olympic Peninsula (Clallam, Jefferson, Mason, and Grays Harbor counties) to submit their work to the BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BGArt on the Town exhibition of public art Our goal is to bring an ever-changing and ongoing art exhibition in downtown Port Angeles. Art on the Town is an outdoor, all-year-round exhibition that takes pl... more
marvelflex Dec 20 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: art
There are 62 US National Parks. A fee of $20 is required to enter the park. BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG BG R Gallery will be displaying photographs from ALL 62 US Na... more
marvelflex Dec 20 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: art
 Click on the blue arrow beside the report's title that you want to share. Select the blue arrow next to the report's title Click Share'  Find the contact that you'd like to send your report. Write a short message to explain why you're writing and personalize the email. After that, click  'Send'.  Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi  You are also able share your contacts with all Contact Groups. Choose the group you want to share with from the drop-down m... more
marvelflex Dec 12 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: art
 Keep it brief. The length of the average business plans is shorter now than it was in the past. It's possible to convey all the information you need in 20-30 pages and an additional 10 pages of appendices. It's impossible to summarize a plan for more than 40 pages in length.  Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi  Of of course there are some exceptions to the general rule. The design for a chain or coffee shops included photos of the pr... more
marvelflex Dec 12 '21 · Tags: art
 11. Diversify and broaden your offer selection.   Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi  Diversifying your offerings is a good idea. What complementary products or services or information could you provide in your business? To expand, you must think about expansion. Find new niches. Find out the pain points. What other products can you offer your clients? What else could you do to make money from the exchange  12. Build passive inc... more
marvelflex Dec 12 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: art
 Step 3. Design and create your site.  Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di  Once you have identified your market, product, and a selling process, you are in the right position to design your small-business web design. It's crucial to keep it simple. You only have five seconds to grab their interest. Otherwise, they will be gone forever. Here are some tips:  ... more
marvelflex Dec 12 '21 · Tags: art
 However, don't confuse the simplicity of wording and format with simple thinking. You haven't fully developed your concept, therefore it's essential to keep it simple. Keep it simple to ensure that you get your point across quickly to everyone who reads it.  Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm  Let's look at some of the details to help you simplify your plans.  Rein in your prose. Effective business writing is simple... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
 7. Develop strategic alliances  Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm allow you to reach a large number of customers quickly. Finding those partnerships could be a bit more difficult than you think. You can find businesses that have a commonality. Let them know if you are looking to collaborate.  Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm Lm&nb... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
This budget will guide your financial decisions throughout the year. If you need to update your budget, it could be a living document. If something changes, you can update and revise your budget. Once you are clear about your goals, it's easy to update and revise your budget. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi&n... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
 3. BOAT CLEANING   Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr  It may be necessary to have experience, training and licensure  The hull needs to be cleaned on boats that are removed from the water for repairs in winter or just to maintain. And, depending on the kind of boat, it's an ideal time to give a major cleaning of the decks, sleeping quarters, the head, and the holds. Cont... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
DEADLINE Deadline: October 6, 20, 21   DATE The dates are February 18 2022 - April 10, 20,22 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi  WHO: International; Photography, Drawing, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting Facebook has more than 10,000 users across all 50 states. Facebook also provides an annual scholarship t... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
 Artwork Archive continues each month to bring you the best artist opportunities. We have all the solutions. We have some fantastic sources this month. Artists have exciting opportunities to participate in a National Watercolor Exhibition, Competition for Women Artists, and a handful of virtual artist residency programs. Plus -- all of which have October deadlines RAA&M National, 2021. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi H... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
Licensing dealsSr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr   Licensing deals are a great way to grow your business without too much effort. It's an excellent method to rapidly expand your business when you own an item that you are able to license to other people and share revenue from. It is easier to reach saturation in the market by licensing a we... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
DOG WALKING Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo   It may be necessary to be trained, experienced or licensure  Dog walkers bring their pets on their daily walks at least once a day. In some cities across the United States, like New York, dog walking alone is a lucrative business. Dog walkers typically provide additional services, ... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
 5 Business Survival Tips to Help You Survive 2021 Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo Wo   Many business owners were shocked by the pandemic and all that was associated with it. Yelp reported that permanent business closures have been recorded at 97,966, which is 60% of closed businesses that won't be reopening. Imagine that you have put so much money into an entity and then things slow down because of an infection. Wo Wo&nbs... more
marvelflex Dec 11 '21 · Tags: art
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