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Tag search results for: "opana er dosage"
Jennifer Lorax
Opana ER is an effective medicine for treating painbut can cause overdose if taken in excess.Opana ER overdose canbe life-threatening and may cause you the following health issues:DrowsinessMuscle weaknessConfusion ordisorientationCold and clammy skinPinpoint pupilsSlow heart rateSlow or shallow breathingComa Ignoring these fatal overdose symptoms isnot advisable, and therefore, please consult your doctor ASAP if an overdose happens. You can also seek emergency medical assistance by calling the poison helpline at 1-800-222-1... more
Jennifer Lorax
Opana ER is an opioid medication and is an effective and first-choicetreatment for pain and certain other health disorders. But because of its addictive and habit-forming nature, it is advisable to consult your doctor for the correct and suitable Opana ER dosage.   If you have any confusion regarding where to buy Opana ER, you should take advice from your doctor and follow. Generally, the 40 mg of the drug is more common; you can either buy Opana ER 40 mg onlineand use it according to your doctor.  You can also consul... more