There are more than one exceptions to this rule from lolgaroket's blog

There are more than one exceptions to this rule. The first is the Threads of Fate, a gadget which lets in you to bypass the main storyline after finishing it on one person and pass instantly to WOW Classic Gold  the choice of Covenant at level 50 when bringing subsequent characters thru the expansion. 

This is welcome, specially thinking about how curious many players can be to strive the opposite Covenants out, however the characteristic became added extraordinarily past due in the public checking out segment and it suggests. It must be WOW's version of Diablo three's Adventure Mode, however there isn't pretty sufficient to do to maintain the levelling experience easily.

Despite the prize pool doubtlessly playing a factor within the morale for the occasion, it didn’t forestall top teams from the world’s nice Classic guilds from bringing their excellent gamers. 

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