Uncover The Best Sex Positions To Last Longer In Bed Naturally from Seo beast's blog

The problem of premature ejaculation can be a reason for a unhealthy sexual life. The remedies for the problem of PE have been searched for and researched for a long time. The goal is to last longer in bed naturally. Aizen Power Male Enhancement Sex therapists prescribe light exercises for developing ejaculation control in case of early climax problems.

Conducting therapy sessions for getting rid of mental inhibition regarding sex is part of the treatment, in case of general premature ejaculation problems. Premature ejaculation may result due to prevailing psychological and environmental conditions. 

Communication problems, unresolved conflict, lack of trust by a mans partner may result in psychological stress that triggers early ejaculation. The social problems, financial concerns or the pressure at the work place are the environmental conditions that may cause PE to occur during sex.

There are physical reasons, responsible for the rapid climax as well. Clinical treatments are prescribed to men suffering from acute early ejaculation for a long time. The clinical treatment is under taken by the sex therapists. Different medications are applied on the individual to find out the most suitable one. 

The medications effectively reduce the rate of arousal in an individual during the act. This helps in achieving the ejaculation after a long time. The Kegel exercises are also very popular in the treatment of premature ejaculation. The exercises are named after their inventor Dr. Arnold Kegel.

Medications such as Prozac are used to sustain ejaculation. Prozac is mainly an anti depressant medicine that has the side effect of prolonging the time for ejaculation. Viagra is also available in the market but it is not necessarily the only solution. However, medication should be tried out as the last resort, when nothing else works.

There are lots of tips and processes available to last longer in bed naturally. The most popular herbal solution is obtained from Clove. The medical practitioners in the ancient civilizations of India and China used to prescribe Clove buds as a remedy to the problem of premature ejaculation. 

The medicine travelled to the shores of Europe in the 7th and 8th century. Generally, the clove is consumed as tea or tablets, twice daily. The Clove based ointments are also available, which can be directly applied to the penis. However, consumption of the Clove can create nausea. It is advised, not to consume Clove; prior to driving or operating heavy machines.

The positions during the sexual act can also affect the timing of ejaculation. Certain positions expedite ejaculation while a few of them delays the ejaculation. Sex positions that require the least activity from the man are the best remedies to last longer in bed naturally. The position where the man seats on the edge of the bed and his partner straddles on his lap is a good sitting position to delay ejaculation. 

The man can lie down on his back and the partner may ride on him, this is the other best sex position to delay ejaculation. The third of the best sexual positions to delay the ejaculation is when the man is lying on the back of his partner.

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