Rocket League Credits you can view your total amount spent from xinghong's blog

We all have that one game that we keep dumping money into over years of playing, so much so that looking at the total figure might be scary. And for some people, that’s Rocket League. Here’s how Rocket League Credits you can view your total amount spent.

How to look up how much money you’ve spent in Rocket League on Steam

The majority of Rocket League‘s player base plays through Steam, and for most Steam users, that can be a slippery slope given their credit card information is already stored on the platform.There are two ways to look up your money spent in Rocket League on Steam. The first requires you to have a Steam trading card for Rocket League in your inventory. You can check for one in Steam by hovering over your username next to Community and clicking Inventory. If you have a Rocket League card (they cost $0.10 on the Market), you can select it and then click View Badge Progress. At the top of the Rocket League Badge graphic, you can click “How do I earn card drops?” Here, it will show you how much total money you’ve spent on Rocket League.

Additionally, if you don’t have a trading card, you can look at your purchase history. Click on your name at the very top right of Steam and select Account Details. On your Account page, click View Purchase History. You can hit Ctrl+F to bring up a page search and type in Rocket League, and you will be able to scroll through all your Rocket League in-game purchases.

How to look up how much money you’ve spent in Rocket League on console

If you’re an Xbox player, it’s much more straightforward. Click here to view your Xbox purchase history. After you sign in, you can view all your purchase history on Xbox, including a Game Pass subscription and any in-game purchases you make.

Like in most traditional sports, having raw Rocket League Items talent in Rocket League can only get you so far on a competitive level. If you’re looking to stomp the competition, you’ll need to master your field vision and team play.

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