NBA 2K21 will highlight MyTEAM Cross-Progression from xingwang's blog

"NBA 2K21 will highlight MyTEAM Cross-Progression and a Shared VC Wallet inside a similar reassure family (PS4 to PS5, Xbox NBA 2K21 MT One to Xbox Series X). MyTEAM Cross-Progression empowers all MyTEAM Points, Tokens.

 cards and progress to be shared on both current and cutting edge renditions of NBA 2K21 in a similar support family; likewise, the Shared VC Wallet implies any acquired or bought VC is available across both current and cutting edge forms of NBA 2K21 in a similar reassure family." 

This covers MyTeam players, yet what isn't noted here that will be of a significant worry to players is whether the movement of their MyPlayers will move starting with one age then onto the next. It's reasonable to accept it won't be. Nonetheless, we don't have the foggiest idea about the entirety of the highlights that will be accessible under the MyPlayer umbrella this year. 

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