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What are some myths about ADHD?

There are several myths related to ADHD. Some of the most common ADHD myths are as follows:


  1. Poor parenting: One of the most common myths about ADHD is poor parental discipline. ADHD is a brain disorder and has nothing to do with parenting style.
  2. ADHD is over-diagnosed: People believe that ADHD is over-diagnosed because a child’s behavioral problems may have other possible causes. The child doesn’t need to be suffering from ADHD. However, several studies have shown that ADHD may be under-diagnosed in several cases where the symptoms are less noticeable.
  3. Only children can have ADHD: The symptoms of ADHD must be present in childhood to meet the diagnosis criteria, but many people may not get diagnosed until adulthood. People may continue to have significant symptoms as they age, which can cause problems in their daily life.
  4. People with ADHD can’t focus at all: People believe that an individual with ADHD can’t concentrate on an activity. However, it is not entirely true. It is quite difficult for people with ADHD to regulate their attention rather than unable to pay attention. They can get absorbed in activities that interest them.

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