The leadline function for Escape From Tarkov zero.12.Nine is an enlargement from lolgaroket's blog

The leadline function for Escape From Tarkov zero.12.Nine is an enlargement for the Wood map. This will increase the scale of the map by 2 to 2.Five instances, and that they may be expanding in the back of EFT Roubles the mountains inside the middle of the map closer to the Rock Passage extract. New places for it include Emercom Camp and the Abandoned Lumber Yard, as has been discovered in diverse dev blogs (as compiled by way of tarkovprofessional) inside the leadup to the patch.

Beyond the Woods growth, there are 3 new guns being delivered with the KRISS Vector SMG, SIG MCX Assault rifle, and UMP SMG, together with numerous other ammunitions and a lot of mods. Many of these mods were also modified, so make certain to study the characteristics of weapon mods while you start playing, as what you thought you knew on them may additionally not be actual. 

Ammunition also can have a threat to motive bleeding now, for this reason relying on what you percent you could reason bleeding extra. Initial equipment units additionally were given remodeled, changing enjoy when you begin; to help with that, players may even obtain a deliver package deal for the first seven days of playing.

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