A standout game just like the one Curry loved ended in new content material for NBA 2K21 from lolgaroket's blog

As normal, a standout game just like the NBA 2K21 MT one Curry loved ended in new content material for NBA 2K21’s MyTeam mode. In previous years, those games could produce a Moments card. If the noteworthy overall performance occurred early inside the season, the Moments card became likely to be an Amethyst or Diamond. The later in the 12 months a player produced a standout sport, the higher the gem stone designation.

In this yr’s sport, it appears the Moments cards have apparently been replaced–or at the least been disbursed a little much less regularly–via person agendas pushed by using the specifics of the game being recognized.

Instead of lolga.com dropping a Galaxy Opal Steph Curry card, which might have been appropriate for the time and his superlative scoring, 2K as an alternative released a Moments Agenda.

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