KevinDavidkin's blog

Customer Service Jobs at homeWhat does remote customer service refer to?A remote customer service representative proactively communicates with customers, both current and prospective with updates on offers and other preemptive solutions. However, they do not reside in the office. They are able to be remote from their homes or other remote locations. They perform the same tasks as customer service representatives, however they work from their homes or from a remote location.

It is essential to develop good remote work habits in order to work remotely. This could be the best choice for you if it suits your requirements. Remote work might be an ideal choice for those who are adept at problem solving and communicating.

Let's discuss the elements that will help you decide whether you're a suitable candidate for customer service from home.

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Can you be a remote customer service rep?1. The possibility of a coworking space or home office is available.It is not advisable to work from home unless it is something you really would like to do. This could result in a decrease in productivity, or an unhealthy relationship between your bed and work stress.

It is essential to keep your work environment as professional as you can. This will help you feel professional and focused even when you sweat.
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2. You are a self-starter.Remote working is a method to work largely on your own. Although you'll likely work with a team or manager, it's different when there's distance between you. If you're working on your own, it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated. However, if you enjoy the challenge and can easily discover ways to stay on track without continuous surveillance This is the task for you.

3. You have a strong internet connection.While it might seem obvious, working remotely means that you won't have access the high-end WiFi network of your company. To make sure you have an excellent customer experience, you'll need an efficient network. Efficiency and speed are crucial for the customer experience. If you don't have a solid network, it can leave customers hanging.

4. Communication skills that are effective are vital.It's not necessary to be face-to-face when talking to customers, but it doesn't mean that you have to lose your presence and tone. For support representatives or call center representatives who have the opportunity to talk with customers over via phone, this may be a lot easier. Your written words can be all that you require to convey your personality and your company's image when your primary communication channel is via live chat or email. It is important to be clear and not allow for the possibility of interpretation.

5. You can be a part of networking outside of your comfort zones.The greatest benefit of working in an office is the possibility to network with other employees. However, being remote does not mean that you cannot network. It is important to feel at ease reaching out to other employees to chat via video calls and approaching those in coworking areas. Those are the kinds of interactions that will aid you in advancing your career in the future.

If you think you'd like to work remotely in customer service, continue reading to learn about the various jobs available.

Finding a job is difficult when your schedule does not permit you to head into an office. Maybe you are a stay-at home parent or you desire to travel. Or maybe your dream job is halfway across the nation. Whatever your current situation is remote work could be an alternative.

You may be surprised by the number of positions available for remote employees, especially in the field of customer service. But, you might be wondering if you have what it takes to handle the remote customer service job.

Find out if remote-based services are the right choice for you. Find out about the different kinds of jobs as well as the businesses that typically provide them.

It may surprise you by the sheer variety of remote jobs open. Before diving into the water head-first, you might be unsure whether you're equipped to handle remote customer support.

Technology: Is it a good thing or a negative thing?

Nowadays it is fashionable to talk about technology as a bad thing. There are corporations who violate our privacy and harvest our personal data without our consent the truth; personal assistants who record us without our consent; and other breaches that reveal our personal data. Are these all negative? The tools we're worried about could also make our lives better--from connecting doctors more quickly than ever before to data on patients to digital bus routes that make transport more efficient. What's the conclusion? Technology isn't always a good thing or a negative thing. It is the way it's utilized.

There are pros and cons when it comes to collecting data

We recently wrote about Big Tech collecting huge amounts healthcare data to create one platform that would allow healthcare professionals to search for patients records. The platform would provide healthcare providers with complete patient records. This could help them offer better healthcare and improve outcomes. On the other hand there's a concern that Big Tech could use the information without the consent of patients or permission.

These discussions go beyond the realm of healthcare technology. AI is now a part of our everyday lives. It has affected our social media feeds, our commute to work by providing traffic suggestions and also analyzed our bank transactions for fraudulent transactions. People are worried about the kind of data AI demands and the ways that their data could be used (for instance facial recognition, which could mean you're being monitored all the time). AI could assist in improving many aspects of our lives including aiding people with disabilities to communicate and monitoring the wildlife.

What are the positive outcomes of these techniques?

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It's the method in which it's used that counts

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Technology isn't necessarily good or bad, it's the way we construct our culture around it and how we use it. Case in point: VPNs, which can safeguard your privacy, or depending on the VPN--could be harvesting your personal information. Technology that collects information could be used to make lives better by implementing the appropriate regulations. However, it is a question of whether there's a push for these regulations that holds groups who violate these regulations--and people's privacy--accountable.

Google as well as Facebook both were affected by faulty Chips that silently corrupt data

Google and Facebook, two of the largest internet companies have found out that their computer chips are not working properly. This can cause data corruption or cause it to be difficult to access encrypted files. Facebook advises hardware makers to be aware of the issue that has developed due to the large quantity of computing resources utilized by the companies.

Google was alerted to the issue when engineers from multiple teams reported difficulties with their calculations. However Google's diagnostic tools did not show any problems. A thorough investigation revealed that the issue was caused by specific chips.

Ten Tips for Parents who work from home with kids

Many dream of working from home. You have more freedom, more time at home, and can see more of family members.

The flip coin also is not without its problems, particularly for parents trying to manage work and child care: difficulty in focusing; having to manage work while caring for their children (or homeschooling them); the blurring of lines between work and private life; and kids begging for your attention while you're not around.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to believe that you didn't do enough work or that you are a bad parent even on the simplest WFH (work at home) days. You can manage to be productive while caring for your kids, but this requires you to reconsider your expectations and work styles.

To make your remote work reality more efficient Here are our top suggestions for parents who work from home.

Ten Tips for Parents Working at home with their children
1. Keep your eyes on the positive.
While some parents opt to work from home, other parents find themselves having to adjust abruptly to the new situation.

This situation comes with its own challenges, but we can all find some benefits of working at home, whether that's avoiding the daily commute, having more time with the family, being home for dinner, or having access to the refrigerator.

While it won't be easy at times, focusing on positive aspects and reminding yourself what you can do to avoid stress at work can make stressful days much easier.

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2. Adjust your schedule.
Adults are awed by routines, much as children. They can perform better when they have a set timetable.

WFH is a way to keep our focus and stay clear of distractions.

A morning routine will help you to plan your day and ensure that it is more consistent. Get up, get ready for the day as you would prior to going to work. You can get yourself in a great mood for work by heading to your home office.

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Set your schedule according to make the most of your time.

Make the most of your flexibility and devise a schedule that works for your family.

We shared this amazing tip in our collection remote work tips from the team:

3. Connect with your colleagues.
There are a variety of things that parents could do to help their children work from home. However, interruptions can still occur. You will have to deal with an emergency at home or your kids will come running to your workplace.

Do not think that everything is flawless. Instead, approach work as you would in the workplace and insist on your independence.

Discuss with your team members what it will be like working at home. Consider what you can do to make it more convenient and productive. This might be an adjusted schedule that allows for greater flexibility, or a bit of more patience.

4. Focus on your work environment.
Although you don't need to follow it all the time, a specific area of your home is required to be designated for your workspace.

This makes it possible to reduce distractions and stay in order without affecting your personal life.

Google and Facebook both were affected by a defective chip that can silently corrupt data



Internet giants Google and Facebook have discovered they are suffering from computer chip malfunctions that can corrupt data or make it impossible to access encrypted files. Facebook says hardware manufacturers should be aware of this issue that has arisen due to the vast scale of computing resources that the companies utilize.



Google became aware of the issue when several engineering teams reported problems in their calculations. However, Google's standard diagnostic tools were able to resolve the problem. A thorough investigation revealed that specific chips were the cause of the recurring issues ...



Autonomous walking excavators can construct walls and dig trenches



An autonomous prototype construction car weighing 12 tons has shown that it can perform on difficult terrains with no assistance of an operator human.



Swiss-German teams were the first to convert an excavator type that can "walk" on brats that extend and climb steep slopes. This lets it operate totally independently of an operator who is human. The adapted walking excavator was utilized to build a stone wall 4m high and to grab trees to simulate forest work. They also utilized the excavator for digging...



Stealthy marine robot begins studying mysterious deep-water life



The creation of an autonomous underwater robot that is capable of tracking and monitoring underwater creatures, while not disrupting them, could lead to better understanding of the biggest daily movements on Earth.

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Mesobot, which weighs 250 kg, can be operated either unconnected from a power source or tied to a lightweight fibre-optic cables that allow it to move about below the surface in an unobtrusive way.


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The ocean's twilight, or more commonly mesopelagic zones, is located between 200 m and 1 km deep. It also is the site of the daily event called the diel horizontal movement (DVM) that occurs when creatures that live in deep waters move closer to the surface in order to consume the plentiful food resources and avoid predators.




Biologists view the DVM as a crucial method by which nutrients, as well as carbon dioxide, captured through photosynthesis, can be transported quickly to depths which can then be stored for long-term. It is difficult to study DVM-related creatures because they are often afraid of light or water.



The positive effects of technology on the work, personal and social life



Access to Information is Easier


The World Wide Web (abbreviated as "www") has transformed the entire world a social village. Since information across the globe is readily available online, that's the reason.



Although most news on social media is factual there are images results for specific news. Not only are there more details available, but you can also access it all quickly.



Time saved


Are you familiar with problems with navigation in towns that are not familiar to you? This is a common problem for those who move to a new location. It is possible to enjoy your vacation or business trip with modern technology that helps you get to the right place.

Although this may be obvious to you, working from home could mean that your business does not have an internet connection of the highest quality. You'll need to invest in an efficient network to ensure you aren't cut off of interactions with customers. Efficiency and speed are crucial for customer service.

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4. You are a skilled communicator.
Your presence and tone shouldn't be hampered simply because you don't meet with people face-to-face. This might be more suited to a support rep or call center representative who has the ability to talk to customers by phone. When your only communication means is live chat and email it isn't possible to present yourself or your company's image with your written phrases. So, make sure you're getting your message across clearly and leaving no space for confusion.

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5. It is possible to network outside of your comfortable zone.
One of the great things about working in an office is that you have free access to a variety of employees with whom you can network daily. However, just because you're remote doesn't mean you can't connect with others. It is important to be comfortable speaking to your colleagues via video or in coworking spaces. These interactions will help you advance your career.

If the idea of remote customer service still attractive to you, keep reading to find out more about the different kinds of jobs that are available.


When your lifestyle does not permit you to work, it can make it difficult to find a job. Perhaps you're a stay-at-home home parent or you desire to travel. Or maybe your dream job is halfway across the country. Whatever your situation remote work could be an alternative.

How to work from home 5 Tips from People

Your home office is great, until your cat begins to chew on your computer. Your neighbor, which is likely to be building a time machine for his family, begins to fire up all the power tools and noisemaking machinery that he has across the street.

Remote work has become an essential for many professionals thanks to COVID-19. Which environment allows us to work more efficiently? the office or the house office?

Your colleagues are often the biggest obstacle to your ability to get work done at the workplace. You may be invited to lunch by colleagues who stop at your desk. Social benefits are great to have, but they can be a problem when you're easily distracted.

Although it can be distracting to family members, it's easy to turn into a foe in the home workplace. There's no limitations, as you don't have to worry about colleagues. The home office is private, and nobody is around to observe. This doesn't mean you're under the same peer pressure or obligation to do things. You don’t have to dress in shorts.

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1. Set expectations with everyone who will be home with you.Although you may work from home, you still need to remain "company." It's important to adhere to the working hours of your roommates, family members and pets. The fact that you work remotely does not mean you're not at home.

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If you live in a shared space with another adult working from home You may need to lay ground rules about meetings, shared desks and chairs, and silence times.

2. Make sure to take breaks. Being a telecommuter is a great way to become distracted. This could lead you to avoid taking breaks. You shouldn't be ashamed of the work you do in the house you sleep in. Spend five minutes to relax.

But instead of watching YouTube videos and scrolling through your comfort videos, take your breaks from the computer. Go for a walk, enjoy fresh air, or hang out with friends who might also be in the house.

Ginny Mineo has some great tips. "Breaks like cooking lunch and drinking water can help you to be more productive." You don't have to be working all the time to be productive.

3. Engage with othersYour office will likely begin working from home, and you'll miss the informal social interactions that you shared with your colleagues throughout the day. It's impossible to engage in small talk and take part in other activities when working from your home.

What are your options? Communicate.

Keep in touch with your colleagues to combat boredom, loneliness, and other signs. You can reach them through video chat using applications like Zoom and Slack, or any other method of communication your company uses.

Remember: You are not working from the moon but at home. Interacting with other people throughout the day is acceptable, regardless of whether they're your colleagues. Even if your day is mostly spent in solitude it's beneficial to interact with other people. You are able to get the most out of your time off by engaging with others.

4. Make dinners the night prior to.While you may be in your home, it is tempting to spend hours making your lunch and breakfast as well as the cutting and cooking. Do not spend your time making food the morning of working. Plan your dinner for the night ahead.

You can prepare your food ahead of time so you don't waste energy on non-work tasks.

Lindsay Kolowich a digital marketing strategist who suggests cooking at home will help you save time and energy. I always make sure to cook my meals the night prior to so that I can avoid this.

5. Choose a final finishing time.While you may think that working from home is more conducive to balancing your work and life than other alternatives but it is essential to be skeptical.

You can feel like you are at a casino when you work at your home. It is easy to lose yourself in the excitement of your work in a relaxing environment.

"If you are a home-based worker all the time (or regularly), it's really easy to let your professional life get absorbed into your private life," says Tyler Littwin.

Types and kinds of Remote Customer Service Jobs1. Remote Agent for Call CenterIt's long since the days when call center agents needed to work in call centers. Call centers remain well-known, but you can perform most of the same things right from your home. If you own a headset for a phone call center, you can take care of all your household chores or travel the world and assist customers via phone.

2. Remote Customer Service RepThe same responsibilities apply to remote customer service representatives, just as for in-house customers service reps. They interact with customers and provide discounts, proactive solutions, company news, and new products and/or services. It is possible to access this job from anywhere, as it's limited to online communications. This includes email, phone as well as live chat. It is possible to work from home and meet your goals more quickly.

3. Remote Support RepRemote customer service reps do not have a proactive approach to contact with customers. Instead they are able to respond to customers' queries and concerns and offer solutions to problems with their products or services in the return. They are able to provide support via a variety of channels, much like remote customer service representatives. It is also possible to work remotely if you have WiFi and a smartphone.

4. Remote Live Chat AgentLive chat agents provide constant support to customers or potential customers via live chat. Customers may have questions about online shopping. They can count on you assist them in this. This is a great job for you if your remote area is loud or distracting or you're not at ease speaking directly on the phone.

5. Engineer for Remote Customer SupportCustomer support engineers are experts in solving customer issues by providing the products as well as services. They offer high-quality, reactive solutions. Technical support representatives can be trained and certified with any software utilized by your business.

6. Remote Customer Success ManagerCustomers success managers are responsible for helping customers in the implementation of their products and account management and also campaign implementation. They establish strong connections with their clients and then follow up to make sure they're always adding value. This position can also be done remotely, since it's possible to interact with clients via phone, email, or video chat.

7. Remote Implementation SpecialistAfter a client has bought an item, the implementation specialist's job is to provide customers with product training so that they can be more familiar with their product and avoid any unexpected technical problems. While this is usually done in the office, it could be done remotely via email, phone, or video conferencing.

8. Remote Virtual AssistantRemote virtual assistants work on various tasks for customers. They can be treated as personal assistants online to plan meetings, handle clients' emails, and even do research for their company. This is the ideal job for someone who loves to do unique tasks and to work closely with customers.

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9. Remote Telephone Research InterviewerA lot of companies employ people who specialize in outbound calls. As a telephone researcher interviewer you'll call your customers and collect their opinions over the phone. The collected responses will help you gain valuable insights into your customers. Telephone research interviews can be conducted remotely as they are conducted over the telephone.
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10. Remote Travel AgentAlthough travel agents might seem outdated, travelers can arrange travel arrangements on the internet. The things that used to require meetings in person can now be conducted through email, phone or even live chat. It is possible to coordinate travel arrangements for customers with a general knowledge of the software of your business and an eye for discounts.

11. Enablement Content SpecialistAn enablement content specialist is behind the scenes working to equip customer service staff with the tools and resources required to create delightful customer experience. In ensuring team members are equipped with the tools and knowledge they require to produce value, enablement experts create value with every interaction. These employees excel as team players and are able to support their coworkers to ensure positive customer interaction.

12. Remote Customer Success ManagerThe Director of Customer satisfaction is responsible for the development and management of the team of customer success. They develop the company's customer success strategy and lead the team to execute the plan. This includes overseeing and collaborating with the other departments of the company and reporting on the achievements of the initiatives.

Now that you are familiar with the various customer support work-from-home positions Let's look at the job openings in real companies that you may consider applying to.

It's the way you use it that matters

Technology doesn't need to be either good or bad. It's the way we use it and the culture around it. VPNs are an excellent example. They may either safeguard your privacy, or harvest your personal information based on the VPN you choose to use. Technology that is designed around the gathering of data could be used to greatly improve our lives with the right rules. However, it is a question of whether there's a push for these regulations that holds groups who violate these regulations--and people's privacy--accountable.

Google and Facebook were affected by faulty Chips that silently corrupt data

Google and Facebook two of the most popular internet businesses have found out that their computer chips are failing. This could lead to data corruption or make it hard to unlock encrypted files. Facebook says that hardware makers should be aware of this issue due to the massive computing power used by these companies.

Google discovered the issue after engineers reported issues with their calculations. Google's standard diagnostic tools did not detect any indications of problems. A thorough investigation revealed that the problem was due to specific chips.

Autonomous walking excavator can build walls and dig trenches

An autonomous prototype construction vehicle, weighing 12 tonnes, has demonstrated its ability to work in difficult terrains without human intervention.

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Swiss-German specialists were the first to convert an excavator to be capable of "walking" on struts that extended. They also mastered steep slopes with ease, so it could operate without the aid of humans. They utilized the adaptable walking excavator for constructing a 4-metre high stone wall, and also to grab trees for mock forest. The team also utilized it to dig...

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Stealthy marine robot begins studying mysterious deep-water life

We could gain from a stealthy and self-contained underwater robot that can detect and disturb creatures that are difficult to find under the water.

Mesobot, a 250-kilogram robot that operates either unconnected to an energy source or tied by a fibre-optic cable that is light in weight, can move beneath the surface without causing any disturbance.

The ocean's twilight zone - known more formally as the mesopelagic zone - lies between about 200 metres and 1 kilometres in depth. This is where you will find the daily phenomenon of the diel vertical migrating (DVM) which is when deep-dwelling animals are drawn closer to the surface to consume the plentiful food supply and avoid predators.

Biologists regard the DVM as an important method by which nutrients like carbon dioxide, that are captured through photosynthesis can be transported rapidly to depths, where they can be stored for future use. However, studying the organisms that are involved within the DVM is tricky, because they often flee from any thing that could disturb the water or sunlight.

  1. The positive effects of technology for the work, personal and social life

  1. Ease of Access to Information


The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www, has transformed the world a social village. Because all information is available on the internet from all corners of the world It is simple to access.

While the majority of news reported posted on social media sites is factual there are images results for specific news. There's more news to be found than ever, and all of it is accessible.

  1. Saves Time


Do you remember ever having to navigate in areas that were not familiar to you? This is a common problem for those who move to a new location. It could be an official business trip or holiday, modern technology lets you to enjoy your outings by helping you navigate to wherever you want to go.

One can search for specific locations and determine the exact place of residence. The application itself takes care of.

It will not let you miss a single turn or turn, and it now displays the traffic conditions along your route.


  1. Mobility made simple


Imagine life without cars or a bike. The advancement of technology has made these things possible.

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It is easy to see the significance of a vehicle when you consider the distance between Australia and the United States of America at nearly 15,187 kms. However, it can be traveled in just 16-17 hours.

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It's not possible to do it all in one day, but you'll not regret the 16-17 hours. This is all possible because of the inventions of electric trains, airplanes, and cars each and every day.


  1. Improved communication means better communication


It's an established fact that technology has replaced old technology. And we cannot think of our lives without this replacement. While letters were the most popular means of communication in the past century (and are still) but no one would ever think of writing one. Why not use a parchment for video conferences?

The disadvantages of technology on privacy Security, Information, and Privacy

Many data breaches occur due to the fact that excessive amounts of data are shared, and not all businesses fully take responsibility for the way user data is handled.


Anonymous and fake people and split personalities and anonymity


New types of crime and terror have been created by technology and the ease of accessing information at an accessible place.

Negative Impact of Technology on Work Life


A large portion of the population are replaced by new technology, which results in joblessness in certain cases. Computers were used to identify the job titles that people were given.


People carry their work laptops around with them and check their work emails on the computer at home and then going to bed in the bathroom. There is a big difference between family and the work environment.


A lot of information, but too little information, not enough. Many people read thousands and thousands of news stories every day. However, nothing is long enough to become knowledge.

Technological Influence on Society


Technology has a profound impact on how we think, communicate, and learn. It is crucial for the society. It determines how people interact with one another every day. Technology is an essential component of our society. It has negative and positive impacts on the world. Technology advances are commonplace. Think of the internet or cellphones as an example. But, advances in technology can have their own drawbacks.

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One area of technology that has had a great impact on our society is the way it impacts learning. It's made learning more collaborative and interactive, this helps people more easily engage with the subject they're learning and have trouble in understanding. It allows you to access many more sources. The internet has made it possible to have access to information 24 hours a day. It is possible to access nearly every piece of content on the internet.

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Internet access makes it easy for students to finish their work. Students can complete quizzes and exams more easily, and teachers being able to hold classes online can prove extremely effective. 

Students can take their time learning, and can expand the learning environment. YouTube as well as other forms of social media can be used to assist people learn. This lets students learn more quickly than sitting in lectures and reading books. The technological advances make learning more enjoyable and more convenient.

Technology has also affected communication. has impacted society. It allows us to talk and communicate with one another around the world. Many new ways of communicating electronically were created by technology. For example email and social networks, you can facetime a person that lives on the other side of the world and video conferencing, where you can have conferences electronically.

Lastly, the technological advancements that were made within the health industry have helped keep people in good health and safe. Numerous apps on smartphones permit users to track their health and track their calories.

Treatment is more accessible and also the improvement in health care, which offers benefits for the elderly and lets hospitals use advanced technology in their operating rooms.

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