Strengthening connections from marvelflex's blog

 You can report from your Artwork Archive account.


 Strengthening connections between donors

 It's not easy to keep track of all the information when your donor base increases, especially if there isn't a dedicated development staff member.


 It is possible to make managing relationships easier. To ensure that you are aware of each contact, you should create a profile.

 You can see which gifts donors have given you previously. It is possible to forget if you have previously shared the prospectus with donors. Make sure you remember when the last time you published a Report.


 Your patrons can share documents or a private room. Remember the date of most recent communication. Note important dates, like membership renewals or anniversary dates.

 Cultivate supporters into future donors


 Are you keeping track of supporters who haven’t given yet? Those relationships are important to manage too. Keep track of contact information during the time of your gathering.

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By marvelflex
Added Dec 6 '21




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