Navigation in towns from KevinDavidkin's blog

Google and Facebook both were affected by a defective chip that can silently corrupt data



Internet giants Google and Facebook have discovered they are suffering from computer chip malfunctions that can corrupt data or make it impossible to access encrypted files. Facebook says hardware manufacturers should be aware of this issue that has arisen due to the vast scale of computing resources that the companies utilize.



Google became aware of the issue when several engineering teams reported problems in their calculations. However, Google's standard diagnostic tools were able to resolve the problem. A thorough investigation revealed that specific chips were the cause of the recurring issues ...



Autonomous walking excavators can construct walls and dig trenches



An autonomous prototype construction car weighing 12 tons has shown that it can perform on difficult terrains with no assistance of an operator human.



Swiss-German teams were the first to convert an excavator type that can "walk" on brats that extend and climb steep slopes. This lets it operate totally independently of an operator who is human. The adapted walking excavator was utilized to build a stone wall 4m high and to grab trees to simulate forest work. They also utilized the excavator for digging...



Stealthy marine robot begins studying mysterious deep-water life



The creation of an autonomous underwater robot that is capable of tracking and monitoring underwater creatures, while not disrupting them, could lead to better understanding of the biggest daily movements on Earth.

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Mesobot, which weighs 250 kg, can be operated either unconnected from a power source or tied to a lightweight fibre-optic cables that allow it to move about below the surface in an unobtrusive way.


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The ocean's twilight, or more commonly mesopelagic zones, is located between 200 m and 1 km deep. It also is the site of the daily event called the diel horizontal movement (DVM) that occurs when creatures that live in deep waters move closer to the surface in order to consume the plentiful food resources and avoid predators.




Biologists view the DVM as a crucial method by which nutrients, as well as carbon dioxide, captured through photosynthesis, can be transported quickly to depths which can then be stored for long-term. It is difficult to study DVM-related creatures because they are often afraid of light or water.



The positive effects of technology on the work, personal and social life



Access to Information is Easier


The World Wide Web (abbreviated as "www") has transformed the entire world a social village. Since information across the globe is readily available online, that's the reason.



Although most news on social media is factual there are images results for specific news. Not only are there more details available, but you can also access it all quickly.



Time saved


Are you familiar with problems with navigation in towns that are not familiar to you? This is a common problem for those who move to a new location. It is possible to enjoy your vacation or business trip with modern technology that helps you get to the right place.

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By KevinDavidkin
Added Feb 8 '22




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