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Tag search results for: "aitechpark"
Martech News
Need of Virtual Assistants for Businesses Businesses have automated many processes, including customer services with virtual assistants for business. But can they provide a human touch for customer interactions? In the tech era, businesses have digitally transformed to serve their customers better. Customer experience shapes the business reputation, enhancing the possibility of sustaining in marketplaces. It is the foundation for customer acquisition by tapping into new markets in different demographics. As attending to customer nee... more
Martech News
Basics of Neural Network Technology Neural networks are complex, integrated systems that can analyze data more accurately and quickly than humans. Why is this technology so important today? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term used frequently in science and technology, and recent developments have contributed to AI’s increased use in all industries. Machines could learn from their errors and do tasks more efficiently using AI. The Artificial Neural Network Technology, which is modeled after the structure of the brain and helps com... more
Martech News
Where Are We with Security Posture Initiatives? Scott Gordon talks about how organizations are contending with increased cyber risk due to a worsening threat landscape and more organized threat actors. A recent 2022 Attack Surface Management Maturity report shed light on the current state, exposures, and priorities that organizations are considering to fortify their security posture. This survey, conducted by Cybersecurity Insiders, asked more than 350 security professions in enterprise organizations across industries their views on... more
Martech News
AI in CyberSecurity & its Benefits AI presents many advantagesand applications in a variety of areas, cybersecurity being one of them. While AI is used in many fields, cybersecurity has drawn particular attention due to the increasing number of attacks and the rising speed of threats. A solution that can keep up with the pace of the growing attacks is necessary for organizations. In this article, we have highlighted various benefits of AI in cybersecurity. With fast-evolving cyberattacks and rapid multiplication of devices happe... more
Martech News
Benefits of AI in CyberSecurity AI is increasingly integrated into businesses and used across many applications. What benefits does AI have for cybersecurity? In this article, we have highlighted various benefits of AI in cybersecurity. Cutting-edge technologies influence our lives, and there is a greater chance that anyone, including businesses and individuals, may become the target of a cyberattack. Today, everyone has access to new opportunities as we move into the digital age. Artificial intelligence (AI)assists under-resourced... more
Martech News
Your Guide to Virtual Private Network (VPN) A VPN establishes a secure connection between you and the internet, providing more privacy and anonymity. In this VPN Guide, you will learn what a VPN is and what are the benefits it offers for your business. Why should you have a VPN service for your business? With advancing technology and the growing use of the internet today, the use of digital platforms for business and essential transactions is increasing. Rather than being concerned about cyberattacks, we must prioritize safer browsi... more
Martech News
Guide to Cyber Threat Detection and Response With rising threats, organizations are now searching for more effective data protection due to the growing dangers. What benefits does a threat detection and response planoffer? With increasing data and network usage, cyber threats are continuously evolving. Monitoring network activity for any issues or comparing network activity with known threats are necessary for effective cyber threat detection. Threats can interrupt corporate operations, result in data and financial losses, and harm ... more
Martech News
Synthetic Data is an Ethical and Renewable Alternative Synthetic data’s potential to train AI systems is vast, and it helps to break down barriers to innovation. How can businesses access precisely annotated and privacy-compliant data? In 2006, the British mathematician Clive Humfry coined the now-familiar phrase, ‘Data is the new oil’. However, 16 years from his pronouncement, the realities and consequences of this “new oil” have caused many to turn to a renewable alternative to power AI: synthetic data as an renewable alternative.... more
Martech News
Top Virtual Assistant Companies 2022 Virtual assistantservices help business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs outsource time-consuming tasks, saving them time and money they can use to run their businesses. Let us take a look at the top virtual assistant companies in 2022: Pega - Innovative Software Provider, Pegasystems is one of the leading Intelligent Virtual Assistants provider. Pega offers software that are designed to overcome any business challenges and complexities to enable better decision makingand maximizing... more
Martech News
What is a Virtual Assistant? Virtual Assistants have helped SMEsachieve productivity and gained relevant organizational skills as self-employed workers. By understanding customer needs and losing the robotic tone, VAs have gained popularity. In this article we will look at the top virtual assistant companiesin the world. Well, the answer is simple. These Intelligent Virtual Assistants are nothing but digital employees. They assist teams in accelerating operations as well as engineering enhancements just like a human employe... more
Martech News
AI: Friend or Foe for Creative Functions? AI is reshaping just about every single business function from finance to sales to customer serviceand beyond. Is automation a threat to creativity as we know it, or an opportunity to expand our horizons? It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (AI)is reshaping just about every single business function from finance to sales to customer service and beyond. But what about the functions we typically think of as ‘creative’, such as marketing or advertising? It makes sense because these func... more